How much do you appreciate yourself?

David Arahan
4 min readMar 9, 2022

When was the last time someone told you that they are proud of you? When was the last time someone looked at you straight in the eyes and said that they appreciate you? When was the last time you felt valued?

Photo by Iswanto Arif on Unsplash

Most of the time, we do things that are considered customary, that people will not even bother to say thank you. For instance, washing the dishes, letting other people go first in entrances and exits, or lending your pen to someone. Even though these are common and basic human practices, it would warm anyone’s heart to hear an expression of gratitude from random people we offer our assistance to. But these things shouldn’t always be rewarded because they should be… I can’t believe that I’m about to use this term — normalized.

Nonetheless, hearing thank-yous from others will brighten up someone’s day, or at least mine. I personally think that Filipinos are grateful, but there might be a factor that hinders most of us from verbally expressing our gratitude to others. So, what I do is practice it throughout the day; saying thank you to everyone regardless of the degree of their actions or help. In line with that, now that I am working in the BPO industry (I resigned already), I am amazed by how nice and appreciative most people are. Even in the light of their most frustrating experiences, they’d still express their gratitude and acknowledge your help.

What I intently want to ask is, how much do you appreciate yourself? In your current progress and pace, do you think you deserve a tap on your back? Regardless, we should always give ourselves a little nod of acknowledgment; we all deserve it.

Appreciation of what we do and how we are progressing is extremely vital in our growth. We don’t always need to criticize ourselves and our work in order to improve, instead, we also need to validate the progression that we have. It’s not only that it would give us an extra boost to keep on pursuing but it will also give us a visual of how we have refined ourselves and the things we do.

Working in a BPO company is both sweet and bitter; it’s sweet when you’re able to resolve an issue and help your customer with their concerns, it’s bitter when you have tried everything but still come up with nothing but an apology because you’ve failed to meet their expectations. But I have to admit, one caller made me cry when she expressed how grateful she was for the help I gave her. Her words of gratitude and authenticity caught me off guard. Her brand of kindness has been very minimal in my life particularly, and to experience it so randomly surely made its mark. It happens rarely but it only took a single circumstance to make me feel and realize even deeper how kindness goes a long way.

We often punish ourselves with words and practices that harm our progress solely because we are not satisfied with what we do and where we are. While it’s okay to stay hungry and committed to your goals, you have to understand that a little compliment would mean no harm to you. Reward yourself for accomplishing your goals and achieving your personal quotas; it’s not lavish, it’s being nice to yourself. If the world is already cruel to you, be your own friend.

Photo by Žygimantas Dukauskas on Unsplash

I have been working hard since I started a few months ago, not that I am a corporate slave (I hope not), but I am used to giving my best regardless of how small or big the task is. Right now, I am paid to be good at what I do, and every once in a while, I treat myself with the things I can only imagine having before. I am rewarding myself not because I have to make myself feel good, but rather, I am feeling good that’s why I am rewarding myself.

I don’t want to tell you what to do, but please, be nicer to yourself and appreciate your progress. You may not believe me when I say this but I appreciate your existence! You are awesome.

You got this!



David Arahan

Here to explore the goodness of life without turning a blind eye to the things that make it ‘less good’. Discover more of The Good Life with David.